Do You Need An Answer For Every Question You Ask?

As a less active (yet still famous) blogger at a top-notch (but faltering) grown-up site, I'll often be walking the streets of Montreal when someone will excitedly rush up and — after the autographs — ask me the inevitable...

"Paul, I have lots of questions, but few answers. Is that normal?"

I'm usually in a rush somewhere, so I give the short answer. "Yes."

They're usually in a rush somewhere as well and walk away smiling. But to have been more thorough, I should have asked what their questions were. If it was directions, then with the help of my GPS, I'm sure we could have figured things out. On the other hand, if their queries were about the meaning of life, I'd be at a loss. What if their question had been a simple one, like...

"If no one reads your blog, isn't that a monologue?"

Now, THAT's a good question and one I've been considering for quite a while. 

Over at that adult site I mentioned, it's a closed-loop environment with a fixed audience of (supposedly) over three million pairs of eyes. However, unless one has a paid membership or is a woman — the chances of your blog getting noticed are slim. Even with thousands of forged followers, viewership is dependent on the inclusion of naked pictures (for male bloggers) and the whim of whoever is pressing the buttons in the "Trending" department. But, one can occasionally get those views... and the love you seek.

And yes, there will also be friends who pop in, comment, and mingle — that's always nice.

These "Blogger" pages, on the other hand, offer the challenges of "free-range" blogging. No one on our planet will find you unless you've sent up a flare. To successfully get your blog read by more than yourself, one should; 

  • Develop a niche.
  • Write quality content.
  • Tell all your friends, family, acquaintances, and any clubs or associations you're a member of about your NEW project.
  • Network with other successful content providers.
  • Seek opportunities to guest-blog on another's site.
  • Link your blog to ALL the social networks, including Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.
  • Solicite an SEO expert to place your blog front and center in the eye of Google search engines. 

Now, let me ask you...

"Who has the fucking time for all of that?"

Or perhaps the question should be: "How bad do you want it?"

I've come to the conclusion that my blog page here will remain a monologue. A calm and peaceful place of contemplation, rumination, and gentle exercise. At the very least, no matter how angry or frustrated I might get with myself, I'll always be my own best and everlasting follower.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

------------ 😶


  1. Interesting that you added a photo of Shibuya in Tokyo. You think the crossing is insane on normal weekends, you should see it during Halloween.

    If I get followers to read my blogs, yeah, it's good for the ego, but that isn't my main purpose to blog. It's more about expressing myself freely, and I do like the freedom I found in Blogger without having to worry about being censored or suppressed (unlike other sites we know).

    1. It's the wildest crossing I found. I can only imagine what it's like to be part of that throng. Crazy. 😜

      True, about censorship not hindering anyone here.
      If I was selling a service or had a monetary goal, followers would make sense. I'll be using this page for my own amusement. 😎

  2. When I was first banned after having thousands of followers with my morning erotica having a lot of readers and comments, I went through a few days of withdrawl and was angry. Once I joined Blogger here, my own thought was,"Who is going to read me here?"
    Now I do not care but the need to post is still strong as it is my outlet for expressing myself to get thoughts out of my head and onto this Paper so to speak.

    1. Gotcha, and I understand. Go for it. 👍

    2. Will do my friend and fellow blogger. 😉

  3. Blogs here compared to blogs on AFF are more monologues but at least an increasing few are reading them as the AFF bubble gradually expands.

    1. The catalogue model "they" use over there has its pros and cons, but at least you're able to scroll. Here? Well, it's a labor-intensive task which requires dedication that I don't have.

  4. I think you are right. I did wonder why we didn't set up shop on WordPress, since if I recall correctly that site does have a front end where you can browse content, so there might be a tiny chance of people discovering you. Very tiny though. I tried starting a travel blog there and did not get any traffic.
    I'm not sure if I have what it takes to sustain a monologue. I've been experimenting with the Journal option on my iPhone and that satisfies that need pretty well...

    1. Bloggers who make it follow that — fulltime job — blueprint I mentioned above. But the speed, unbridled freedom and... did I mention the speed? It's a completely different vibe out here on the open plains. I have new respect for old cowboys.

    2. I do love the quality and size of the pics one can upload here. 👍

    3. Definitely a trade-off between waiting hours for a post (but then having it read by, well, maybe 50 people?); vs. shouting into the void but being able to do it very quickly. 😉

    4. The void is quickly filling up here which is nice to see..

  5. I think it will take time, but people will start trickling over. It may be more labor intensive here, sure but there's more quality and freedom no dick pics, boobs, hit me up posts, and tyrants in moderation. All and all, I'd rather have less readers than have to deal with Ali ever again.

    But, hey, this place isn't for everyone.

    1. I could not agree more with you and never want to deal with Ali ever again..

  6. Hi Paul! Here another exile from AFF :-) I am learning how to use Blogger, to tell the truth... I am lost here, is like being in the middle of the Sahara without a GPS...

    1. Exile or on a sabbatical? I was lost here for a while; I still am. I'm not here often enough to iron out all the kinks. I hope this site works out for you. 👍


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