Contact Me


I thought I'd install that "widget" on my site that says, "Contact Me." Unfortunately, when you type in the fields provided by that gadget, the letters appear in white—which is obviously invisible on its white background.

I can fix it, but then — the visibility of the text on whole other parts of my blog becomes screwed up. It's a cluster and more than a touch annoying. Especially since I messed around with it for more than an hour.


I haven't come up with any solution. 

Unless you feel like leaving your name and email address in the "Comments" below, I'll respond as soon as I can.

There are other ways to open up the lines of communication — if I could get that widget thingy to work properly — but at this point, I'm too lazy to figure it out.

Rest assured...

Your information will probably remain confidential and private. 

The Security Question... 

(Include your answer with your info to weed out the bots.)

How many Customer Service people are in this image?

Yep... except that I don't know how things work here or what I'm doing, I'm starting to feel at home.

Thanks, and L8r.

Paul 😎


  1. Nice shot of AFF Customer Disservice.

  2. Bwahahaha on the security question! Blogger has a learning curve, but you'll figure it out. Eventually. LOL (Debbi and I have tutorials posted)

    1. Your tutorials are great and so comprehensive.
      But the "Contact Me" gadget (on your blog) has the same issue as mine: white letters on a white background. When I change the font color it also changes the color of my front-page post — which I don't want. 😲


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