Do You Ever Get A Second Chance... To Make A First Impression?

As this is my first blog post here, I wanted to make a good first impression with some clever, well-thought-out words and a couple of stunning photos thrown in. And then I realized something. No matter what I say — from this point on — YOU have already made up your mind about me.

For fuck's sake... seriously?

Yeah, seriously. According to all the experts — including that 'dandy' Oscar Wilde who originated this conclusion — it took you less than a minute to judge me. No matter what I do or say now, your impression of me has already been hardened.

In fewer than ten seconds, you've glanced at my profile picture, read a few words here and determined if I'm —attractive, likeable, competent, aggressive and trustworthy. It's actually amazing to realize the human mind can process visual stimuli that quickly. Some of us can even do it in under 1/10th of a second.

So, regardless of how flamboyant, witty, stylish or humorous I have yet to demonstrate, your impressions of me have been solidified faster than quick-drying cement. Whether you are right is of little consequence to anyone but me. Do I have a chance at redemption?

The two immovable — and most quickly resolved — traits are if I am attractive and trustworthy. And supposedly, I have no chance of changing your mind about any of those other qualities either. Experts in psychology claim that it may take years to sway anyone, or I may never succeed. But I disagree with those 'supposed' specialists. 

They conducted all of their studies based on photographs they showed their test subjects. I'll simply change my profile picture to something more suitable. Oh crap, there goes my trustworthiness... out the window. Well, at least — hopefully — I'm still likeable.

I believe in second chances: they have to exist. (Or I'll start claiming my camera is broken on my next Zoom date.) In any case, it's way too fricken cold here today for any type of damn cement to coagulate.


As a side note, I'd like to thank everyone who popped in here for their patience. I expect to figure out what all these buttons and levers are for by the next time we meet.


  1. Replies
    1. And a howdy back to you. I have no idea what this blog will be, but for now it's a place to experiment. I promise there will be no explosives involved.😎

  2. Hello Paul, I am trying to follow your blog but I must be missing the follower button ? Welcome to Blogger. Hugss, Maureen/Ana6

    1. I was looking for the follow button myself.

    2. I haven't found that button either but it's on my to-do list. 👍

    3. No button I've seen. I add blogs via Reading List.

    4. *grr* That wasn't meant to be anonymous. F'ing third party cookie setting.

    5. I found that magic button and glued it to the page.

    6. The front page of my blog.

    7. Still don't see it, but in Followers as added to my Reading List

  3. Hey my friend, I made it over here and glad I did. No blog for me though here as of yet..

    1. Hi Joy. Not much of a blog here yet. Baby steps... 😂

    2. Baby steps it is my friend.

  4. Aloha from the Land of the Rising Sun!

  5. Paul , Hurrah, I found Your Button and touched it not just once but twice !! Hugsss, Maureen/Ana6.

    1. I touched it too my friend...LMFAO!!!!!!!!

    2. Touch away... it buzzes in a special place whenever you do. 😲😂

    3. I shall keep buzzing

  6. Well hey they, I just happened to find you. I haven't started to blog anything on this site but will probably start sometime now that I think I have figured it out. We shall see.

    1. Howdie... I'm STILL trying to figure out... Yes we shall see.

    2. I just made a small post spent too much time trying to figuring out the theme and layout of everything. It is past my bedtime. Like I really have time to be doing this stuff. I should of been cleaning my apartment....
      But it is something in case we all get the boot.
      Have a great night Paul!!

  7. It's a Nottingham-based exile from Nottingham here.
    I'm impressed with your graphics. I'm still learning or rather struggling to learn how to navigate myself around this site.

    1. I will get there. I'm unable to work out yet how to follow your blog and to add your blog to my reading list,

    2. I will email you my URL on my lunch in 90 minutes.

    3. I've got your URL address. The problem may be because you haven't added a Followers gadget to your blog page which will display your followers as well as showing a 'Follow/Unfollow' option.
      Gadgets can be found by clicking 'Layout' on your main blog page. I'm now learning fast!

  8. Replies
    1. Happy to see you in these far away and strange forests. Have fun.


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